2025-02-08 9:00 to 18:00, your local time.
NAIL | World Day 2025Nail Societies around the world
2025-02-08 9:00 to 18:00, your local time.
NAIL | World Day 2025Nail Societies around the world
Matilde Iorizzo, Michela Starace, Nejib Doss
Nail unit psoriasis: a clinical overview
Sushil Tahiliani MD
Nail psoriasis & Nail Pustular Psoriasis : The best treatment approach
Nail changes associated with cancer therapy
Nail unit Lichen Planus : diagnosis and treatment
Retronychia : evaluation and treatment plans
Intralesional Therapies in Nail Disorders
Onycholysis Management
Nail Disorders in People with HIV
Chronic Paronychia
Thomas Stringer MD
Nail signs of systemic disease
Archana Singal, Molly Hinshaw, Kwang-Ho Kim
Onychomycosis in adults
Onychomycosis: pro and cons of the different diagnostic methods
Evaluation and management of onychomycosis in the face of emerging terbinafine resistance
Treatment of Refractory periungual warts
Parasitic infections of the nails
When a Fungal Nail is Not a Fungal Nail
Safety of Antifungal Treatments
Nail Surgery
Eckart Haneke, Adam Rubin, Sushil Tahiliani
Patient preparation and anesthesia techniques
Nilton Di Chiacchio MD
Nail biopsy techniques
Dressing in nail surgery
How to Optimize Specimens
The diagnostic value of nail clippings
Adam Rubin MD
Ingrown nail: evaluation and treatment plans
sana mokni MD
Ingrown nail surgery
How to handle complications in nail surgery
Je-Ho Mun MD
Nail Tumors
Chander Grover, Bertrand Richert, Joung Soo Kim, Judith Dominguez-Cherit
Monodactylous Longitudinal Nail Plate Change
Benign nail tumors
Bowen's disease and SCC
Longitudinal melanonychia
Erythronychia: Differential diagnosis
Salim Gallouj MD
Nail unit melanoma
Glomus tumor: Clinical to therapeutic aspects
Nail tumors: Diagnosis through imaging
Nail tumors: Diagnosis through onychoscopy
The Basics in Nail Pathology
Nail Cosmetics
Nilton Gioia di Chiacchio, Ines Zaraa
Brittle nails: diagnosis and treatments
Side effects from gel nail polish
Nail peeling: when and how
Nail supplements
Pediatric Nail Disorders
Vineet Relhan, Julie Mervak
Pediatric melanonychia
Pediatric nail psoriasis
Self-induced nail disorders in children
Congenital Malalignment of the toenail
Congenital nail disorders: a clinical approach
Body dymosrphic disorder and zoom dysmophia: Red flags and diagnostic toolsDr.George Kroumpouzos, MD, Phd