Acne and Rosacea: Diagnosis and Treatment - Diagnostic et thérapeutique de l'acné et de la rosacée
CHAIR : Pr Brigitte DRENO MD PhD (France)
10:09 - 10:28
Le microbiome cutané : un acteur central dans l’acné inflammatoire (The Skin Microbiome: a central player in inflammatory acne)
National Academy of Medicine Division: Medicine and medical specialties (France)
Total publications (since 1977): 918 h factor: 66. SCI (Without self citations): 31566. SIGAPS score: 8954
2016 President of the CNU – Dermatology – 50th section – 3rd subsection (Nantes, France)
2013 Elected member of the National Council of Universities – Dermatology – 50 th section – 3 rd sub-section
2011 University Professor Exceptional class 2nd level
Since 2014 Head of Department of Dermato-Cancerology
Since 1993 Founder and Director of the Cellular and Gene Therapy Unit (UTCG) of the University Hospital of Nantes
2015 Appointment to the rank of Knight in the Order of Academic Palms
2013 2013 International League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS) Award
2005 Prize for Victories in medicine, specialty “Cancerology”
Since 2020 Deputy Vice-President for Scientific and Technical Culture at the University of Nantes
Since 2012 Director of group 2 “Translational and clinical research on melanoma” within the
Cancer Research Center (CRCINA U1232) in Nantes
2011 – 2020 Vice-Dean for Research of the Faculty of Medicine of Nantes
Since 2005 Founder and Coordinator of the Biotherapy Module of the Clinical Investigation Center of
Biotherapy INSERM CBT0503
2021 Sponsor of the association ELLES à la Santé
2018 Elected president of the committee in charge of the scientific program of the annual congress of the Academy: European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology) (EADV)
2015 Elected Board Member and Treasurer of the International League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS) which coordinates Dermatology societies on a global level and ensures relations with the WHO for skin conditions
2019 Founding Member and Member of the Board of Directors of the French Society of Cancer Immunotherapy (FITC)
2016 Chair of the scientific committee in charge of the scientific program of the EADV
2014 Founding Member of the “Melanoma Word Society” (MWS)
2015 Treasurer of the ILDS 2014 Member of the scientific committee of the European Society of Dermatology (EADV)
2010 -2012 President of the College of Teachers of Dermatology of France (CEDEF)
2004 – 2006 President of the French Society of Dermatology (SFD).
Vice-President of the French Society of Dermatology: 2003
Member of the Board of Directors: 2002
2002 – 2005 Founding member of the French Society of Cellular and Gene Therapy
2009 Board member of the “Skin Cancer Foundation”
2005 Foreign member of the Canadian Society of Dermatology
1994 Full member of the “International Society for Cutaneous Lymphomas” (ISCL). Member of the Office
from 2000 to 2010
1990 Full Member of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)
1987 Full Member of the “European Society for Dermatological Research” (ESDR)
1982 Founding member of the French Society for Research in Dermatology (SRD).
Board member: 1989 to 1992
European Congresses: 2011 Organizer and Session Chair of the 7th European Association of Dermatology Oncology – Nantes – (EADO)
10:28 - 10:36
Spécificités de l’Acné dans la peau de couleur (Particularities of Acne in Skin of Colour)
Dr Ibrahima Traoré is a dermato-venerologist and pioneer of teledermatology in Guinea. He is the director of the “Clinique Dermatologique”. He is the main organizer of World Skin Health Day in Guinea. He is also the director of the “” program with the UNFM. He is the recipient of several awards and scholarships:
Cooperation scholarship, Piccini Group
Development scholarship, HealthCert International Pte Ltd 3 Tameresk Ave, Singapore
2019 Strauss & Katz World Congress Fund Scholarship, American Academy of Dermatology: Schaumburg, Illinois, US, 2019
WCD dermatologist scholarship, The Italian Society of Dermatology (SIDeMaST) and the International League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS), 2019
ISD Global Education award 2021
He is the author of several abstracts in several international congresses:
American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) 2019 Annual Meeting
24th World Congress of Dermatology (WCD) Milan 2019
94o Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Dermatologia Medica, Chirurgica, Estetica e delle Malattie Sessualmente Trasmesse (SIDeMaST), 2020
International Congress of Dermatology (ICD) 2021
Association des dermatologues francophones (ADF) Congress, Hammameth (Tunisie), 2022
European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV) Congress, Milan 2022
A book chapter: ‘Atopic Dermatitis and Topical Application of Human Breastmilk’ published by European university publishers in several languages.
Currently, he works on several international projects as an expert on different aspects of dermatology:
International Dermoscopy Society – Task Force Imaging in the skin of color – Participation in a validation process of the International Dermoscopy Society criteria on tumors in the skin of color
International acne board 2022 – La Roche-Posay
Psoriasis: Diagnosis and therapeutic | Psoriasis: Diagnostic et théurapeutique
Chair: Pr Adam REICH MD, Phd (Pologne)
10:36 - 10:53
Interest in small molecules in psoriasis (Intérêt des Small molécules dans le psoriasis)
Expériences prefession.nelles{Gradeet postes occupés prr ordre décroissant) : Nom Prénoms CHEHAD Ahmed Samaouel Adresse : lotissement sarl«n.a, 3ème tranche n°626 Constantine. Mail: I chehadsamaouel@grryu l.comI serviœ.derntatolqgie.chuc@gma iLrom Centres d'intérêts : ACNE PSORIASIS Dermatite Atopique • Résident en dermatologie au CHUC, détaché au CHU de Mustapha Alger (de 2003à 2007). •Médecin spécialiste, assistant en dermatologie au Service de Dermatologie de l'hôpital Docteur Ben Badis de Constantine (de 2008 à 2011). • Concours de maitrise: juillet 2011. • Maitre-assistant en dermatologie à la Faculté de médecine de Constantine, Université Mentouri Ill &Centre Hospitalo-universitaire de Constantine (12/ 2011-11/ 2015). •Maitre de conférences grade« B » en dermatologie à la faculté de médecine de Constantine, Université Mentouri111 &CHU de Constantine (du 17 /11 2015). • Maitre de conférences grade« A » en dermatologie à la faculté de médecine de Constantine, Université Mentouri111 & CHU de Constantine (du 21 septembre 2017 à nos jours). •Président du conseil scientifique régional de spécialité de dermatologie depuis juillet 2017. • Rapporteur du conseil scientifique national de spécialité de dermatologie depuis juillet 2017. • Vice président Est de la Société Algérienne de Dermatologie Esthétique et Cosmétique depuis Avril 2018. • Président du conseil scientifique régional de spécialité de dermatologie février 2020. • Chef de service titulaire de dermatologie au CHU de Constantine Novembre 2020. • Professeur en dermatologie à à la faculté de médecine de Constantine, Université Mentouri Ill & CHU de Constantine (du juin 2021à nos jours). F.ducation (dip{ames parordredécroissant) : – Certificat d'études primaires : 1990; – Brevet d'Enseignement Fondamental: 1993; – Baccalauréat mention Bien série sciences de la nature et de la vie année 1996; – Diplôme de médecine générale 2003; – Diplôme des études médicales spécialisées (DEMS) décembre 2007; -Diplôme de doctorat en sciences médicales, mention Très honorable avec félicitations du jury et propositions d'échanges avec les universités étrangères: 17 novembre 2015 pour une thèse soutenue intitulée: « acné dans la commune de Constantine: Aspects cliniques, épidémiologiques et thérapeutiques». Compétences prefession.nelles : Formation en psoriasis 4- 6avril 2013à Barcelone, Espagne. Formation en épidémiologie et en biostatistique: 19- 30 mai 2013 à Oran. Formation en physiologie cutanée : 27 et 28 mars 2014 il Boppard, Allemagne. Formation en immunologie: 11-12 Avril 2014 à Bucarest, Romanie. Formation en recherche scientifique : 9 et 10 octobre 2016, Hammamet, Tunisie Formation en Rédaction Médicale: 15 et 16 novembre 2016, Constantine, Algérie Formation en psoriasis: 17 décembre 2016, Dubaï, Emirats Arabes Unies Formation en immunologie: 21 et 22avril 2017, Varsovie, Pologne Formation en laser dermatologi<1ue: 2016 / 2017, Alger, Algérie Formation en éducation thérapeutique endermatologie: 25 et 26/11/2017, Nantes, France. Formation en maladies inflammatoires cutanées: juillet 2018, Toulouse. Formation en psoriasis: septembre 2019, Istanbul. Formation en hémangiome infantile: septembre 2019, Toulouse. Formation en maladies inflammatoires dermatologiques: 1112019, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas. Formation en éducation thérapeutique endermatologie : novembre 2019, Nantes, France. Formation en laser pratique: Jena, Allemagne, février 2020. Autres compétences Niveau B1 en Anglais
10:53 - 11:17
General pustular psoriasis: current guidelines and future treatments
Prof. Adam Reich is the full time Professor and the Head of the Department of Dermatology, as well as the Director of the Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Rzeszow, Rzeszw, Poland. He is also the Secretary General of the Polish Dermatological Society and Vice-Chair of the Youth Forum of the Polish Dermatological Society. He got his PhD in 2006 from the University of Medicine, Wroclaw, Poland. He is a member of the European Society for Dermatology and Psychiatry, European Society of Dermatological Research, European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, International Forum for the Study of Itch and International Society of Dermatology. He acts as a Section Editor for Itch/Psychology at the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology and the Co-Chair of the Prurigo Nodularis EADV Task Force. He is the author and/or coauthor of 176 original articles, 128 reviews and 88 case reports. He was also awarded the Prof. Zdzisaw Ruszczak Award for the scientific activity in psoriasis.
11:17 - 11:34
Cardiovascular comorbidities and psoriasis
Prof. Tiago Torres is a distinguished Professor of Dermatology at the Instituto de Cincias Biomdicas Abel Salazar, University of Porto. He obtained his medical degree from the Faculdade de Medicina, University of Porto, and completed a residency program in Dermatology and Venereology at Centro Hospitalar Universitrio do Porto (CHUP). In 2014, he completed his PhD thesis, investigating the role of systemic inflammation associated with psoriasis in atherosclerosis. Currently, he leads the psoriasis and atopic dermatitis Unit at CHUP. Prof. Torres has been actively involved in developing national treatment guidelines and has received numerous accolades, including research grants and prizes from the Portuguese Society of Dermatology and Venerology. He serves as an associate editor and co-editor for prestigious medical journals and is a member of various international dermatology organizations. With over 100 published articles and editorship of a book, his research focuses on immunodermatology and the immunology and immunopharmacology of psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.
Cosmetic Dermatology (Aging, Botox, Fillers and Lasers) - Dermatologie esthétique (Vieillissement, Botox, Injections de comblement et Lasers)
CHAIRS : Pr. George KROUMPOUZOS, Pr. Koushik LAHIRI , Dr. Khaled TURKI, Pr Hassan GALADARI
11:34 - 11:54
Botulinum toxin: Beyond Cosmetic Indication
Dr. Hassan Galadari is an American board-certified dermatologist with a dermatologic surgery and laser fellowship from the University of California-San Francisco. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology and a member of numerous committees in international societies, including the American Academy of Dermatology, the International Society of Dermatology, and the International League of Dermatological Societies. Dr. Galadari has received numerous awards for his contributions to dermatology and has authored book chapters, published in peer-reviewed journals, and written a best-selling textbook on cosmetic dermatology. He is an Associate Professor at the United Arab Emirates University and is interested in soft tissue augmentation, for which he currently holds a patent.
11:55 - 12:17
Chemical peels and skin diversity
Dr Xavier Goodarzian MD(Hons) MRCGP DipClinDerm PGCCosMed MBCAM Dr Xavier is the medical director and co-owner of the national award-winning Xavier G. Clinic in Southampton. He is a leader in the field of aesthetic medicine and is a lecturer and trainer at major conferences throughout the U.K. and abroad. He is the past lead trainer for Innomed Training and has trained hundreds of practitioners over the years some of whom have now become trainers and lecturers themselves. He is also a past BCAM committee board director. Dr Xavier currently holds mentoring programs and master classes in several subjects. His passion is skincare and chemical peels where he has a special interest in the subject. Dr Xavier graduated with an honours degree in medicine in Belgium. He is a member of the Royal College of General Practitioners and has post graduate degrees in clinical dermatology and cosmetic medicine. He is a member of the British College of Aesthetic Medicine (BCAM).
12:17 - 12:40
My experience with Microneedling – From trichology and aesthetic medicine to clinical dermatology
Professor Asja Prohić graduated from the Medical Faculty, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her present position is Full Professor of Dermatology and Venerology at the Department of Dermatovenerology, University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology.
12:40 - 12:55
How to deal with facial scars in darker skin with Fractional CO2 laser?
Management of cutaneous scars by combination of methods
Professeur Agrégé
Vice Président de la société algérienne de dermatologie
Membre de l'académie MEIDAM association
Membre de la SFD
Membre de l'ADF
Expert mondial sur la maladie de Kawasaki
Enseignant des lasers dermatologiques
13:07 - 13:25
What’s all the Daxi-talk? Science behind Daxxify, how is it different from other neuromodulators, the recommended dilution and injection techniques
PERSONAL INFORMATION HOMEBUSINESS Curcio Dermatology, PC 1715 Glen Echo Road2125 Bandywood Drive Nashville, TN 37215Nashville, TN 37215 (615) 364-5200(Mobile)(615) 679-9011(Phone) (615) 891-4753(Fax) Date of Birth:May 25, 1978 Spouse’s Name:Anu Pardeshi BS 2000, MS 2002, MBA 2004 (Vanderbilt University) Owen Graduate School of Management Alumni Board (2004-2010) VU Alumni Board of Directors (2017-2021), President (2022-24) EDUCATIONVanderbilt UniversityNashville, TN Undergraduate:College of Arts & Science Bachelor of Arts, Spanish Literature, May 2000 Summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa Medical School:School of Medicine Doctor of Medicine, May 2004 Graduate School:School of Medicine Master of Public Health, May 2007 Business School:Owen Graduate School of Management Master of Management in Health Care, September 2021 Dean’s Award for Top Graduate POST-DOCTORAL TRAINING Internship:George Washington University HospitalWashington, DC July 2004 – June 2005 Intern, Internal Medicine Fellowship:Vanderbilt University, NIH Research FellowshipNashville, TN Program Director: George P. Stricklin, M.D., Ph.D July 2005 – June 2007 Clinical Research Fellow, Dermatology Residency:Vanderbilt University Medical CenterNashville, TN July 2007 – June 2010 Resident, Dermatology Fellowship:University of California, San FranciscoSan Francisco, CA Program Director: Richard G. Glogau, M.D. July 2010 – June 2011 Fellow, Dermatologic Cosmetic & Laser Surgery Fellowship:Total Skin and Beauty Dermatology Center Birmingham, AL (ACGME)Program Director: Gary D. Monheit, M.D. July 2011 – June 2012 Fellow, Procedural Dermatology (Mohs Micrographic Surgery WORK EXPERIENCE July 2013 – PresentCurcio Dermatology, PCNashville, TN CEO & Founder Founded July 2013; Opened April 2014 Oct 2012 – Apr 2013Private PracticeGreater Los Angles Area, CA Mohs Surgery, Cosmetic Dermatology, Laser Surgery, Dermatology LICENSURE AND CERTIFICATION Medical License:State of CaliforniaLicense # A112763(Exp: 5/31/2024) State of TennesseeLicense # 49776(Exp: 8/31/2022) State of AlabamaLicense # 30893(Exp: 12/31/2022) Board Certification: American Board of Dermatology, certified 2010; recertified 2020 HONORS & AWARDS Nashville 2020 Best Dermatologist Award (Best of Music City) Nashville 2019 Top Women in Business Award (Nashville Life Styles) Nashville 2018 NBJ 40 Under 40 Most Influential People (Nashville Business Journal) Castle Connolly Top Doctor in Dermatology (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021) Castle Connolly Inaugural Award for Exceptional Women in Medicine (2017) and 2019 Aesthetic Everything 2021: “Dermatologist of the Decade”, “Top Women in Dermatology”, “Top 50 Aesthetic Doctors in America”; Award winner since 2017 2016-17 JAAD Editorial Mentee and 2017-18 JAAD Editorial Mentor Participant 2022 AAD Advanced Leadership Forum Participant (April 2022, Oakbrook, IL) 2014 AAD Leadership Forum Participant (April 2014, Oakbrook, IL) Master of Public Health, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Academic Scholarship, 2005-2007 Other Vanderbilt University Honors, 2000:College Scholar, Omicron Delta Kappa, Mortar Board, Gamma Beta Phi, Sigma Delta Pi, #1 Top Spanish Major 2000 GRANT AWARDS
NIH “Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award”, a T32 grant, 2005-2007
American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Preceptorship Scholarship, 2006, $1500
VUMC Starbrite Award for Clinical Research, 2008, $2000
Fellowship Grant to the EADV Paris, 2008, $500
AAD 2013 International Society Meeting Travel Grant to Chilean Society of Dermatology meeting in Coquimbo, Chile, November 2013, $500 [requires Spanish proficiency]
COMMITTEES & BOARDS AAD Regulatory Policy Committee (2022 – 2025) AAD Congressional Policy Committee (2018 – 2021) ASDSA Federal Affairs Work Group (2018 – 2021) ASDSA State Affairs Work Group (2019 – 2022) ACMS Public Policy Committee (2020 – present) ASLMS Public Policy Committee (2021 – 2022) Alastin Skincare Advisory Board (2017 – 2022 Defenage Medical Advisory Board (2018 – present) Tennessee Women in Medicine, Board of Directors (2019 – 2021) North American Clinical Dermatologic Society, Board of Directors (2018 – present) ACMS National Registry and Outcomes (NRO) Committee/Mohs Log Subcommittee (2016-2021) ·Interim Chair of Mohs Log Subcommittee (2018-2019) ASDS Product and Service Development Work Group (2016-2019) ASDS Membership Work Group (2015-2018) AAD Melanoma Advisory Task Force (2015-2017) Cutera 2015 Excel V Symposium Expert Panel (ASLMS, 4/24/2015) ASDS Young Dermatologic Surgeons Work Group (2012 – 2015) ASLMS Ethics and Conflict of Interest Committee (April 2013 – April 2014) ACMS Blade & Light Society – Organized & Lead 2015 Trip to Santiago, Chile (May 2015); Organized & Reviewer for the Journal of Dermatologic Surgery (2012 – present) Reviewer for the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2016 – present) Editorial Board Member and Reviewer for SKINmed (2013 – present) JAAD Junior Reviewer and Editorial Mentor (2017-2018) JAAD Junior Reviewer and Editorial Mentee (2016-2017) Tennessee Medical Association – Young Physician Section Delegate to AMA (2014 - 2015) SOCIETY MEMBERSHIPS NATIONAL American Medical Association (2000 – present) American Academy of Dermatology (2007 – present) American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (2007 – present) History of Dermatology Society (2007 – present) European Society for the History of Dermatology and Venereology (2008 – present) International Society of Dermatology (2008 – present) International Academy of Cosmetic Dermatology (2008 – present) Women’s Dermatologic Society (2009 – present) American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (2011 – present) American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery (2011 – present) International Society for Dermatologic Surgery (2012 – present) The Dermatologic and Aesthetic Surgery International League (2012 – present) American College of Mohs Surgery, Fellow Member (2013 – present) Blade & Light Society (2013 – present) – performs free Mohs surgery in underserved countries International Peeling Society (2014 – present) International Hyperhidrosis Society (2014 – present) North American Clinical Dermatologic Society (2018 – present) STATE Leadership Health Care, part of Nashville Health Care Council (2021 – present) Tennessee Dermatology Society (2007 – 2010; 2014 – present) Tennessee Medical Association (2007 – 2010; 2014 – present) Nashville Academy of Medicine (2007 – 2010; 2014 – present) Tennessee Women in Medicine (2014 – present), Board Member (2018 – present) California Medical Association (2010-present) California Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery (2012 – present) Pacific Dermatologic Association (2013 – present) Phi Beta Kappa, Nashville (2015 – present), Vice President (2016 – 2017) PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES INSTITUTIONAL SERVICE
Alumni Interviewer for Vanderbilt University Office of Undergraduate Admissions (2000 – 2012)
Multi-lingual Translator for VUMC, UCSF, and medical practices (1997 – present)
Instructor, Intensive Beginner Spanish, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Spring 2002
Mentor, Vanderbilt University Pre-medical Undergraduate Students
Mentor, Vanderbilt University & UAB Medical students with interest in Dermatology and Dermatology Residents with interest in Mohs Surgery & Cosmetic & Laser Surgery
Altman S and Curcio NM.“Soft Tissue Fillers, Part I: Biodegradable”.Boards’ Fodder.Directions in Residency. Winter 2020.
Altman S and Curcio NM. “Soft Tissue Fillers, Part II: Non-Biodegradable”. Boards’ Fodder.Directions in Residency.Winter 2020.
Curcio NM.“HA gel technology for currently available HA fillers”. Boards’ Fodder.Directions in Residency.Winter 2020.
McLawhorn JM…Curcio NM, et al. An expert panel consensus on opioid prescribing guidelines for dermatologic procedures. J Amer Acad Dermatol. 2020 Mar; 82(3): 700-8.
Morris, D and Curcio, N. ACMS: The Margin of Victory for 50 Years (1968-2018). Marengo: Walsworth, 2018. Print.
Landau, M, Wolf R, Curcio N. “Cosmetic complications.” Emergency Dermatology, Second Edition.Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2017. 343-50. Print.
Curcio NM.“Soft Tissue Fillers, Part II: Non-Biodegradable Fillers and Side Effects”.Boards’ Fodder.Directions in Residency.Summer 2011.
Curcio NM.“Soft Tissue Fillers, Part I: Biodegradable Fillers”. Boards’ Fodder.Directions in Residency.Spring 2011.
King LE, Eastham AW, Curcio NM, and Schmidt AN. A Potential Association Between Alopecia Areata and Narcolepsy. Arch Dermatol. 2010; 146(6): 677-8.
Curcio NM and Parish LC.Injectable Fillers:An American perspective.G Ital Dermatol Venereol.2009 Jun; 144(3): 271-9.
Curcio NM, Heras F, and Conde-Salazar L.El legado de Olavide en los EEUU. [The Legacy of José Eugenio Olavide in the United States.]Actas Dermosifilogr. 2008; 99; 738-47.
Curcio NM.Discovering the History of Medicine and Dermatology in Paris.[from EADV meeting in Paris, Sept 2009].Medscape.
Curcio NM.“Medically Important Spiders”.Boards’ Fodder.Directions in Residency.Winter 2008.
Schmidt AN and Curcio NM.“Medical Mycology”.Boards’ Fodder.Directions in Residency.Fall 2008.
Curcio NM.“Contact Dermatitis”.When bad things happen to the skin.
Curcio NM, and Glogau RG.Allergic reactions to acrylates in light-curing gel nail lacquer.Manuscript submitted.
Curcio NM and Neuhaus I. Allergic reaction to red tattoo pigment after laser treatment.Manuscript in progress.
Curcio NM. The art of the cosmetic consultation: How to customize a topical cosmeceutical regimen for your patients. Global Aesthetic Conference. Miami Beach, FL. November 5, 2022. [Invited Speaker]
Curcio NM. Top 5 lessons learned from a mid-career MBA that can transform your practice. Global Aesthetic Conference. Miami Beach, FL. November 5, 2022. [Invited Speaker]
Curcio NM. Building a practice strategy: How to differentiate in a world of fierce competition. Global Aesthetic Conference. Miami Beach, FL. November 4, 2022. [Invited Speaker]
Curcio NM. How to combine cosmeceuticals with lasers and other devices to achieve the optical outcomes? Global Aesthetic Conference. Miami Beach, FL. November 4, 2022. [Invited Speaker]
Curcio NM. What changes have your made in your practice over the past 3 years? [Expert Panel Discussion]. Global Aesthetic Conference. Miami Beach, FL. November 4, 2022. [Invited Speaker]
Curcio NM. How the MBA mindset can transform your practice – 5 learned. Multispecialty Aesthetic Conference. San Diego, CA. August 5, 2022. [Invited Speaker]
Curcio NM. What’s on my bathroom shelf – And why? [Expert Panel Discussion]. Multispecialty Aesthetic Conference. San Diego, CA. August 4, 2022. [Invited Speaker]
Curcio NM. The Science behind Cosmeceuticals: What really works. Multispecialty Aesthetic Conference. San Diego, CA. August 5, 2022. [Invited Speaker]
Curcio NM.Neurotransmitters: What’s all the Daxi-talk? 2022 North American Clinical Dermatology Society Meeting.Germany and Austria. May 22, 2022. [Invited Speaker]
Curcio NM. Eustebio Castelo y Serra: Preeminent Spanish Dermatologist and Contemporary to Dr. Olavide. History of Dermatology Society 2022 Seminar. Annual Meeting of American Academy of Dermatology. Boston, MA. March 24, 2022.
Curcio NM.Optimizing Botulinum Toxin A: A 2021 Update. Iceland. October 13, 2021. [Invited speaker on behalf of UNC Adams School of Dentistry]
Curcio NM.José Eugenio Olavide en los EEUU [José Eugenio Olavide in the US].Online Seminar on Olavide and his legacy. March 6, 2021. [rescheduled] [Invited Key Note Speaker]
Curcio NM.Inmode Optimas Platiform.Inmode Company Online Webinar. June 4, 2020. [Featured Speaker]
Curcio NM.José Eugenio Olavide en los EEUU [José Eugenio Olavide in the US].Seminar on Olavide and his legacy.Madrid, Spain. March 7, 2020. [Invited & Honored Key Note Speaker] – meeting cancelled due to COVID-19; received special award from AEDV
Curcio, NM. Museo Olavide: History, Moulages and Recovery amidst Political Discord in Spain. European Society for the History of Dermatology and Venereology (pre-meeting) at 28th EADV Congress. Madrid, Spain. October 9, 2019. [Received Honored Alibert Lectureship Award]
Curcio NM. Moulages and Patient Images in Spain: Their impact on dermatology past and present.History Symposium. 24th World Congress of Dermatology.Milan, Italy.June 15, 2019. [Invited Speaker]
Curcio, NM.PRP for facial rejuvenation and alopecia.14th World Congress of Cosmetic Dermatology.Lima, Peru.March 28, 2019.[Invited Speaker]
Curcio, NM. What’s hot in cosmecuticals: Growth Factors, Micropeptides, and Defensins.14th World Congress of Cosmetic Dermatology.Lima, Peru.March 28, 2019.[Invited Speaker]
Curcio, NM. Jose Eugenio Olavide. History of Dermatology Society 2019 Seminar. 77th Annual Meeting of American Academy of Dermatology. Washington, D.C. February 28, 2019.
Curcio NM. Gender Differences in Botox, Fillers, and Lasers.13th World Congress of the International Academy of Cosmetic Dermatology.Dubrovnik, Croatia. June 30, 2018. [Invited Speaker]
Curcio NM. Surgical Complications.13th World Congress of the International Academy of Cosmetic Dermatology.Dubrovnik, Croatia. June 29, 2018. [Invited Speaker]
Curcio NM. Skin Care Revolution: Growth Factors, Peptides & Defensins. North American Clincal Dermatologic Society 59th Annual Meeting.Auckland, NZ. April 11, 2018. [Invited Speaker]
Curcio, NM. El Museo Olavide (The Olavide Museum), Madrid, Spain. History of Dermatology Society 2018 Seminar. 76th Annual Meeting of American Academy of Dermatology. San Diego, CA. February 15, 2018.
Curcio NM. Skin Care Revolution Part I – Growth Factors for Anti-Aging. American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine Congress 2017.Miami, Florida. November 12, 2017. [Invited Speaker]
Curcio NM. Skin Care Revolution Part II – Micropeptides for Anti-Aging. American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine Congress 2017.Miami, Florida. November 12, 2017. [Invited Speaker]
Curcio, NM.High Yield Tips on the Business Aspects of Starting Your Own Practice.American Society for Dermatologic Surgery 2017.Chicago, IL.October 7, 2017. [Invited Speaker]
Curcio, NM. Panelist for DefenAge. Vegas Cosmetic Surgery 2017.Las Vegas, NV. June 8, 2017. [Invited Speaker]
Curcio, NM.Skin Care Revolution.Aesthetic Everything Beauty Expo 2017.Pheonix, AZ. May 13, 2017. [Invited Speaker]
Curcio NM. Skin Care Revolution. American Society for Lasers, Medicine and Surgery 2017.San Diego, CA. April 6, 2017. [Invited Speaker]
Curcio NM. Enrique Zofío Dávila. History of Dermatology Society 2017 Seminar. 75th Annual Meeting of American Academy of Dermatology. Orlando, FL. March 2, 2017.
Curcio NM. Optimizing Botulinum Toxin A: 2016 Update.XIth World Congress of Cosmetic Dermatology.Panama City, Panama. June 24, 2016. [Invited Speaker]
Curcio NM. Rejuvenation on and off the face with lasers and other modalities.XIth World Congress of Cosmetic Dermatology.Panama City, Panama. June 24, 2016. [Invited Speaker]
Curcio NM. Vincent’s Disease. History of Dermatology Society 2016 Seminar. 74th Annual Meeting of American Academy of Dermatology. Washington, DC. March 3, 2016.
Curcio NM. Multifaceted Approach to Facial and Neck Rejuvenation.Xth World Congress of the of Cosmetic Dermatology.Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Nov 15, 2015. [Invited Speaker]
Curcio NM & Glaser DA. Neuromodulators.American Society for Dermatolgoic Surgery Annual Meeting.Chicago, IL. October 17, 2015.[Invited Speaker]
Curcio NM. Legacy of Tromovitch, Stegman & Glogau at UCSF. 2015 World Congress of Dermatology. Vancouver, Canada. June 9, 2015. [Invited Speaker]
Curcio NM. Nicolau Syndrome. History of Dermatology Society 2015 Seminar. 73nd Annual Meeting of American Academy of Dermatology. San Francisco, CA. March 19, 2015.
Curcio NM, LeBlanc K, Mishra V. MOC: Procedural Dermatology. American College of Mohs Surgery. San Antonio, TX. May 3, 2015.
Curcio NM & Glaser DA. Neuromodulators.American Society for Dermatolgoic Surgery Annual Meeting.San Diego, CA. November 8, 2014.[Invited Speaker]
Curcio NM. Evolution of Mohs Micrographic Surgery.Grand Rounds at L’Hôpital Saint-Louis, Musée des Moulages. Paris, France.October 17, 2014 [Invited Speaker]
Curcio NM. Mohs Micrographic Surgery. History of Dermatology Society 2014 Seminar. 72nd Annual Meeting of American Academy of Dermatology. Denver, CO. March 20, 2014.
Curcio NM, Cole CM. Multinucleate Cell Angiohistiocytoma. Clinicopathologic Conference. Pacific Dermatologic Association 65th Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. August 17, 2013.
[All path cases presented and discussed by Phillip LeBoit, M.D.]
Curcio NM. Tailoring Fillers to Fit Your Practice. 9th World Congress of Cosmetic Dermatology. Athens, Greece. June 28, 2012. [Invited Speaker]
Curcio NM. Periocular Tumors. ASMH Meeting. 45th Mohs College Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. May 4, 2013. [Invited Speaker]
Curcio NM. Salicylic Acid and the History of Chemical Peeling. History of Dermatology Society 2013 Seminar. 71st Annual Meeting of American Academy of Dermatology. Miami, FL. February 28, 2013.
Curcio NM. Interesting Cases from Fellowship. Generations of Mohs Surgeons & Fellows Oncology Conference. Birmingham, AL. March 30-April 1, 2012. [Invited Speaker & Conference Director]
Curcio NM.James Nevins Hyde.History of Dermatology Society 2012 Seminar.70th Annual Meeting of American Academy of Dermatology.San Diego, CA. March 2012.
Curcio NM.Perils in Dermatopathology: A Mohs’ Surgeon’s Perspective. 8th World Congress of Cosmetic Dermatology.Cancun, Mexico.January 31-February 4, 2012. [Invited Speaker]
Curcio NM and Smith ML. An Interesting Case of Cutaneous Scarring due to Selective Fetoscopic Laser Photocoagulation for Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome. 2011 World Congress of Dermatology.Seoul, South Korea. May 25-30, 2011. (FC01-09)
Curcio NM.Alibert.History of Dermatology Society 2011 Seminar.69th Annual Meeting of American Academy of Dermatology,New Orleans, LA. February 2011.
Curcio NM, Wang L, and Stasko T.Mortality due to Skin Cancer after First and Second Renal Transplants.2010 ACMS Annual Meeting.New York, NY.April 30 - May 3, 2010.
Curcio NM. Lead Poisoning and the History of Catherine de Medicis.History of Dermatology Society 2010 Seminar.68th Annual Meeting of American Academy of Dermatology,Miami, FL. March 2010.
Curcio NM, Heras F, and Conde-Salazar L.The Literary Legacy of José Eugenio Olavide.18th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology, Berlin, Germany. October 2009. [Invited Speaker]
Curcio NM.Arsenic in Antofagasta, Chile.History of Dermatology Society 2009 Seminar.67th Annual Meeting of American Academy of Dermatology,San Francisco, CA. March 2009.
Curcio NM, Arbogast PG, Egan KM, King LE, and Stricklin GP.Epidemiology of Spider Bites in Middle Tennessee.17th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, Paris, France. September 2008.
Curcio NM.The Jarish-Herxheimer Reaction.History of Dermatology Society 2008 Seminar.66th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology, San Antonio, TX. January 2008.
Curcio NM, Arbogast PG, Egan KM, King LE, and Stricklin GP.Epidemiology of Spider Bites in Middle Tennessee.21st World Congress of Dermatology, Buenos Aires, Argentina. October 2007.
Curcio NM.José Eugenio Olavide en los EEUU [Jose Eugenio Olavide in the US].Seminar on Olavide and the history of wax moulages in dermatology.Escuela Nacional de Medicina del Trabajo. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Madrid, Spain. April 2007.
PRESENTATIONS – NATIONAL/REGIONAL Grand Rounds 1.Curcio NM.Cosmeceuticals: What’s Hot in 2020.Tennessee Women in Medicine Online Lecture. July 7, 2020. [Invited Speaker] 2.Curcio NM.The Skin Care Revolution.Tennessee Women in Medicine Meeting. Nashville, TN. August 8, 2017. [Invited Speaker] 3.Curcio NM.Procedural Dermatology in Nashville, TN.Southern Tennessee Medical Center CME Lecture.March 2014. [Invited Speaker] 4.Curcio NM.Cosmetic Dermatology: The 2012 Update. Vanderbilt University Dermatology Grand Rounds.September 2012.[Invited Speaker] 5.Curcio NM.My Cosmetic Experience. University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB).Dermatology Resident Lecture.July 2012. [Invited Speaker] 6.Curcio NM.My Cosmetic Experience. University of Iowa.Dermatology Resident Lecture.December 2011. [Invited Speaker] 7.Curcio NM.Merkel Cells and Merkel Cell Carcinoma.Vanderbilt University Dermatology Grand Rounds. July 2008. 8.Curcio NM.History of Dermatologic Wax Moulages.Vanderbilt University Dermatology Grand Rounds.November 2007. Posters
Curcio, NM. Effects of Cosmeceuticals containing Matrikines Post Fractional Resurfacing with Radiofrequency and Twice Daily for 12 Weeks. [E-poster #3821] 74th Annual Meeting of American Academy of Dermatology. Washington, DC. March 4, 2016. 12:55 PM.
Curcio NM, Monheit GD. Insufficient Date From the Clinic to the Microscope: A Cause For More Extensive Mohs Surgery. Poster #35. Orlando Dermatology Aesthetic and Clinical Conference, Orlando, FL, January 2014.
Curcio NM, Arbogast PG, Egan KM, King LE, and Stricklin GP.Epidemiology of Spider Bites in Middle Tennessee.Poster #1909. 67th Annual Meeting of AmericanAcademy of Dermatology,San Francisco, CA, March 2009.
Curcio NM, Heras F, Conde-Salazar L.The Legacy of José Eugenio Olavide in the USA.Poster #902. 67th Annual Meeting of American Academy of Dermatology, San Francisco, CA, March 2009.
Curcio NM and Zic JA.From l’hôpital Saint-Louis to the Clinics of the 21st Century: the Evolution of Dermatologic Classification.Poster #P303.64th Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology, San Francisco, CA, March 2006.
Curcio NM and Zic JA. A strange case of yaws in Paris or the first case of Mycosis Fungoides?Poster #112.62nd Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology, Washington, DC, February 2004. ** featured in: Who first described mycosis fungoides?Vanderbilt duo engages in medical sleuthing; consider relevance. Bryant R.Dermatology Times. 1 March 2004.
Spanish: Near native fluency (Oral, Listening, Reading)
French: Highly advanced proficiency (Oral, Listening, Reading)
Portuguese:Strong reading and listening proficiency; moderate oral proficiency
Italian: Moderate reading and listening proficiency; some oral proficiency
13:25 - 13:49
Complications of Fillers in the Perioral Area: Prevention and Management
Prof. George Kroumpouzos, MD, PhD, FAAD, has held faculty appointments in dermatology at Alpert Medical School, Brown University, and Harvard Medical School. Also, he has served as a Professor of Dermatology at Jundiaí Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil. He is the Founder and Medical Director of GK Dermatology, PC, in Weymouth, Massachusetts. He completed an MD/Ph.D. program at Athens University School of Medicine in Athens, Greece, and then research fellowships in skin biology at the Department of Dermatology, The Free University of Berlin, and the National Cancer Institute, NIH before starting a Dermatology Residency at the combined Boston/Tufts Universities Program. He is certified by both the American and European Boards of Dermatology. He is Associate Editor of Frontiers in Medicine, the International Journal of Women’s Dermatology and Dermatologic Therapy, and Editorial Board Member of Clinics in Dermatology.
Dr. Kroumpouzos has published over 150 peer-reviewed articles and 40 chapters and edited 7 texts, including the definitive Text Atlas of Obstetric Dermatology. Additionally, he has authored extensively in various media. His research interests include aesthetic/procedural dermatology, psychodermatology, and obstetric/gynecologic dermatology. His research publications have been cited in announcements of the Dean of Alpert Medical School at Brown University. His innovative research received extensive media coverage and triggered commentaries in high-impact journals. He has delivered numerous lectures and chaired sessions at international meetings. He is a sought-after speaker at conferences and has held numerous media appearances. He has received several scholarships and awards, including awards from the International Union Against Cancer, New England Dermatologic Society, and the Dean’s Excellence in Teaching Award at Alpert Medical School of Brown University.
13:49 - 14:23
Cicatrices cutanées : Lecture puis écriture
Khaled Turki MD
Pigmentation disorders: diagnostic and therapeutic - Troubles de la Pigmentation : diagnostique et thérapeutique
Professor Elvira Moscarella is a dermatologist at the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli in Italy.
14:43 - 15:11
To Study the Efficacy of Cultured Versus Non-Cultured Melanocyte Transfer in the Surgical Management of Stable Vitiligo: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Dr Rohit Kothari is a Specialty doctor in Dermatology currently working at Buckinghamshire NHS Trust in the United Kingdom.
He completed his primary medical qualification and specialization in Dermatology from the prestigious Armed Forces Medical College in India. He has published extensively in various national and international peer-reviewed PubMed indexed journals including NEJM, BJD, and JEADV, and has more than 65 publications to his credit. He has also received multiple scholarships, mentorship award, travel grants, and national level awards under the aegis of IADVL, BAD, EADV, and ISD. His areas of interest include Clinical Dermatology, Pediatric Dermatology, Infectious diseases, Psoriasis vulgaris, Blistering diseases, Research, and teaching.
Research gate ID:
Orcid ID:
15:11 - 15:35
Updates on the pathophysiology of melasma
Professor Firas Al-Niaimi is a highly experienced and skilled consultant dermatologist, Mohs and laser expert with nearly 20 years’ experience and an international standing trained in some of the UK's top hospitals and fellowship-trained in dermatologic surgery and lasers at St. Thomas’ hospital in London where he continued to work there as an honorary consultant for a number of years before moving to fulltime private practice. His passion for education, research and science has led him to publish over 210 publications in Dermatology and lasers including his own published book and 10 book chapters making him one of the most prolific and well-published consultant dermatologists in the UK. In addition to this he has delivered more than 400 scientific presentations in 55 countries around the world including keynote lectures at prestigious international conferences. His contribution to British dermatology was such that in 2019 he was awarded the “Global excellence award” for the title of consultant Dermatologist of the year in London and his success culminated in 2021 to the highest academic rank in medicine being awarded the title professor making him the UK’s first and only professor in the field of laser dermatotology
15:35 - 15:52
Vitiligo minigrafting : and experience of three decades
Dr Rashmi Sarkar MD,FAMS,IFAAD,
Director Professor
Department of Dermatology
LHMC and associated KSCH and SSK Hospital
New Delhi
Mob: 00919818244340
President IADVL 2022
President,IADVL Delhi State Branch(2018)
Founder Chair ,Pigmentary Disorders Society(PDS)
Past Secretary General IADVL(2014-15)
Board of Directors, International Society of Dermatology(ISD)
Chair ,International Mentorship Committee,ISD,
International Representative,Board of Directors,
Womens’ Dermatologic Society(WDS)(2011-13,2017-18),
Member,International Sections Committee,WDS
Chair,International and National Committee,Skin of Colors Society(SOCS),
Chair,Womens’Committee,International Federation of Pigment Cell Societies(IFPCS)
Founding President,Joint WDS-Indian WDS(WDS-IWDS)
Former Board of Directors,Skin of Colors Society(SOCS) (2013-16)
Editor-in-Chief ,Pigment International(PI)(2017-21)
Associate Editor,Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery(JCAS)(2011-14)
Subsection Editor,International Journal of Women’s Dermatology(IJWD)
Associate Editor,Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology(JCD)
Editorial Board,International Journal of Dermatology(IJD)(2014-17)
Editorial Board,Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Dermatology(JCAD)
Editorial Board,Indian Journal of Dermatology(IJD)
Section Editor,Indian Journal of Dermatology,Venereology and Leprology(IJDVL)
Editorial Board,Indian Journal of Pediatric Dermatology(IJPD)
Dermatoepidemiology - Epidémiologie en dermatologie
CHAIRS : Pr. Robert Dellavalle, Pr. Esther FREEMAN
16:17 - 16:43
The Global Burden of Skin Disease
Dr. Robert P. Dellavalle MD, PhD, MSPH, is Professor of Dermatology and Public Health at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and the Colorado School of Public Health. He is Chief of the Dermatology Service at the US Department of Veterans Affairs Eastern Colorado Health Care System. He is a Joint Co-ordinating Editor of Cochrane Skin and Editor in Chief of JMIR Dermatology.
16:43 - 17:02
International Alliance for Global Skin Health (GLODERM): A platform for mentorship and collaboration
Dr. Esther Freeman M.D. Ph.D. is a dermatologist and epidemiologist, specializing in global health dermatology. She has worked to improve healthcare, especially those affectedby HIV, in sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and southeast Asia since 2003.
She has collaborated with the World Health Organization since 2011, to establish guidelines for the treatment of HIV-associated skin conditions in the developing world.
She has won the American Academy of Dermatology’s Member Making a Difference Award, as well as the most highly cited author in the area of epidemiology in AIDS in 2009.
Her current work centers around Kaposi’s sarcoma, a potentially deadly tumor associated with HIV that first appears on the skin.
Her work has been supported by the National Institute of Health (NIH), the American Skin Association, the Harvard Center for AIDS Research, and the Medical Dermatology Society.
17:02 - 17:22
Dermatology in Public Health The Experience of the San Gallicano Institute in Rome, Italy
Aldo Morrone is Scientific Director of the San Gallicano Dermatological Institute (IRCCS), a hospital founded in Rome (Italy) in the 1725 by the Pope Benedictus XIII. Expert in Tropical Dermatology and poverty-related diseases, in the last 40 years he focused his attention on the health of migrants, asylum seekers, refugees and homeless people, developing transcultural medicine and sensitizing institutions on the Health of the groups at risk of social exclusion. He was General Director of San Camillo Forlanini General Hospital in Rome and the Founder and first General Director of National Institute Migration and Poverty (NIMP), a public scientific Institute for research on Migration’s Diseases. Author of over 750 scientific articles in national and international peer-reviewed journals and 60 books. Latest books published: Dermatology of Human Mobile Population, MNL Ed., 2004; Health System and Skin Diseases: the Case of Ethiopia, Di punto in bianco Ed., 2007; Case Management Algorithms & Atlas for Lebanon, Armadilla, 2015; La speranza ferita: storia delle mutilazioni genitali femminili, Franco Angeli, 2017; Skin Disorseders in Migrants, Springer, 2020; Covid-19 tra mito e realtà. Luci e ombre della pandemia che ha travolto il pianeta, Armando, 2021; Atlante di Dermatologia Tropicale (Minerva Medica), in press. He coordinated and performed several clinical and scientific missions in Lebanon, Africa, Middle East, India, Latin America and South-Eastern Asia. From 2013 to 2017 he was Vice President of the International Society of Dermatology (ISD). He is member of Community Dermatology Committee, as well as of numerous International Scientific Societies. As well as Honorary President of the International Institute of Social Medical Anthropological Sciences (I.I.S.M.A.S) and Scientific Director of the annual International Workshop “Culture, Health and Migration” held at the National Council for Research in Rome, he is President of the Annual International Congresses on Dermatology and Global Health in Ethiopia, in collaboration with Tigray Ministry of Health. In the 2017 he was awarded the Castellani-Reiss Medal, the highest honor of the ISD, given for lifetime achievement in International Dermatology, Migration and Community Dermatology. Rome, lì 17.02.2022
17:23 - 17:44
Topical steroid misuse menace in India: A silent epidemic of astronomical magnitude